Tuesday, December 15, 2009

40 Loaves ~ by C.D. Baker

The start of a new year brings about many changes. For many of us, that includes looking for a new devotional. 40 Loaves by C. D. Baker is one you may want to take a serious look at. It is a small book, with only 40 devotions in it, but don’t let the size fool you. It is powerful. The entire books is based on questions – questions that many of us think, but certainly don’t ask out loud (because good Christians don’t). The only way we can get answers to our questions, and by the way, grow in wisdom, is by asking them. Searching out the answers will bring enlightenment and quite naturally, we will grow spiritually when we do so. God is much bigger than we can even comprehend, He is certainly big enough to shine his light on the things that we question.

Some of the questions asked, and answered, are: Why do I get angry with God, why don’t I have more faith, why is loving others so hard for me, why does God seem silent in my life, why do I only pray in emergencies, why are some Christians so hard for me to like, why don’t I feel safe at church, why do I resent authority, and many more.

This book will cause you to admit the questions you really try to avoid and examine your heart. It will also help you to grow in your walk with Christ and deepen your relationship with Him. It would make a great gift too, for anyone you know that has questions or is troubled or confused about their own relationship with God. I highly recommend it!

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group.


40 Loaves
Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day

By C. D. Baker

Why don’t I have more faith?
Why am I so bored with Jesus?
Why don’t I feel connected at church?

These are the types of questions the religious establishment often makes it uncomfortable, if not impossible, to ask. And by asking them, C. David Baker, author of 40 Loaves: Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day hopes to start a conversation in people’s hearts, then with others, and ultimately with God. Many circles of Christianity have led us to believe that certainty and confidence are the proof of true spirituality; questions are discouraged.

But Jesus offered his followers an ongoing conversation—a relationship built around a free, open-ended discussion. Questions were encouraged. They were often impertinent, sometimes alarming, and the religious establishment was distinctly uncomfortable with them … just as it is today.

40 Loaves is something of a collection of the kinds of questions I felt finally free to ask of myself and of my relationship with Christ,” says Baker. “It’s my belief that these questions are shared by many others who long for the freedom to simply ask them out loud. I hope this book becomes a platform that frees others to search their hearts more deeply and be fed with the Bread of life.”

Each “loaf” here is a big question that stimulates discussion, investigation, and contemplation; it will take hours—or days—to digest. Conversational, inviting, disarming, and real, 40 Loaves nourishes self-examination and offers validation for those who feel discouraged, guilty, or even shamed when the realities of their lives don’t match up with the ideals of the Christian establishment.

Author Bio:
C. David Baker
founded an award-winning business before redirecting his career to write full-time from his small farm in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He is the author of eight books, including six novels, one of which was nominated for a Christy Award. He has contributed articles to the Christian History Institute’s international publication Glimpses, and to Christian Singles magazine. Baker has a Master’s degree in theological studies from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.


To get more information about 40 Loaves, including online purchase options, simply visit


  1. Precious sister, here to wish you a beautiful CHRISTmas and many blessings upon you and yours. Much love.

  2. Thanks Jen! I am always honored when someone enjoys my postings.
